Gazing Into Eternity
Ethereal Abstracted Figurative Oil Paintings | 2021
Eos Bringer of the Dawn | Oil on canvas | 76 x 122 x 4 cm | 2021
The Dance of Aphrodite | Oil on canvas | 76 x 122 x 4 cm | 2021
Aether Made of Sunlight | Oil on canvas | 76 x 122 x 4 cm | 2021
Gaia Gazing Into Eternity | Oil on canvas | 122 x 92 x 4 cm | 2021

This series started in the Spring of 2021 revisits the relationship between the female archetype and nature, as started in the human nature series of drawings.
These works symbolise the human as landscape and connected through the apparitions of mythological goddesses.
The works combine many techniques, combining the figurative and abstract elements of my painting style.