Portraits in Oils | 2023

At some point in 2023 I felt the urge to create a new portrait series, works that could connect on a deeper level to younger generations…somehow tap into their attitudes and views on the world we are living in.
“Gen Z” seems to have been caught in the crossfire of so many changes: climate change , technology, gender, race, sex, globalism, politics, economic, belief structures...the list goes on. They are looking back on the whole of history while witnessing the unfolding of a very uncertain future…
How does “Gen Z” and the “Millenials”, the generations of my daughter and son feel - what is their take, how do they retain their individuality in a world that is constantly in flux ?
I intend with these portraits to somehow synthesise some of this, through the depiction of striking individuals who are standing against the tides of hegemony, through their own individualism.
The Ballad of Carlotta | Oil on canvas | 76 x 122 x 4 cm | 2023
I first met the actress and singer Carlotta Banat at a performance at LAMDA, the London Academy of music and dramatic art.
I can remember thinking that what struck me first was her deep, rich speaking voice, wrapped in a captivating German accent, she came across as a Gen Z young “Bond girl” ( if that is still appropriate in the 2020’s ?)
Carlotta is a pretty amazing young woman… a fabulous actress, incredible singer and yoga teacher. She radiates a certain serenity which combines with a great sense of humour and willful determination.
Once again I had many choices from the photo shoot, which made the choice very difficult to settle on just one shot. In fact she has one of those huge smiles, (which was a consideration when I was planning this painting), but I decided to go for a more evocative pose and expression.
When visiting the studio I had a feeling to go for a purple, magenta, amethyst colour scheme which compliments Carlotta’s natural beauty.
The work was completed in the first week of December 2023 and displayed and revealed to Carlotta at the one off “PERFORMA” exhibition and live music event - the painting was transported to the gallery with a few layers of wet paint, but made the journey in tact !
I hope I have captured some of the beauty, intelligence and charm of the young Ms Banat…
Click to view the finished work…
Shades of Scarlett | Oil on canvas | 76 x 122 x 4 cm | 2023
I first met the actress and performer Scarlett Stitt at a screening of an independent film at the local arthouse cinema, the Phoenix in East Finchley, North London.
She had a “presence” - a kind of electric aura that drew you in. A natural extrovert, Scarlett made an immediate impact on me.
The next meeting was at a small theatre in Islington, where she was performing in “Kissing a Fool”, an extraordinary and surrealistic homage to George Michael, written and starring Dylan Aiello, with Scarlett shapeshifting between multiple characters in a supercharged performance.
So I naturally thought that she would make a great subject for a portrait, and she agreed to do a photo shoot at the studio in September 2023. It was immediately apparent that I had made a great choice as I had an abundance of material to choose from.
After narrowing down the many choices from the photo shoot, I had three top contenders. After some processing in Photoshop, experimenting with colour schemes, I settled on the one shot that would become the finished portrait.
I think it was a good choice as the finished work conveys Scarlett’s quietly contained fiery intensity, her theatricality and her passionate nature.
There are indeed many “Shades of Scarlett” …
Click to view the finished work…
The Tao of T.C. | Oil on canvas | 76 x 122 x 4 cm | 2023
T.C. is Tom Chalk, a musician, performer and rapper and longtime buddy of my son. So I’ve known T.C. for a few years now, he was a natural choice for the first portrait.
I invited Tom over to the studio for a photo shoot, and we went through several changes of dress. It’s when Tom took off his top that I realised that his tattoos told quite a philosophical story.
There’s a lot of yin / yang oppositions going on. Across the top of his chest, two big cats, one a tiger and the other a leopard, stand opposing each other. The Tiger carries a sumarai sword, while the leopard carries a club, further down on Tom’s stomach there is a little Devil and an Angel, it is obvious that Tom recognises that we live in a world of dualistic forces, both necessary for the whole.
The other tattoos follow Eagles, Snakes, Crocodiles and Bees, all following the rhythms of the natural world in the great cycle of life.
Although this one won out, there were several contenders for Tom’s pose and after a very difficult job, I narrowed it down to three distinct possibilities.
After experimenting with colour schemes in Photoshop, I settled for this one, which I think, compliments the symbolism of the tattoos with Toms indefatigable spirit.
Click to view the finished work…