Something wicked this way comes…
Medea from “The Mechanical Paradise” series will be on show as part of this “wicked” exhibition…
17th - 23rd June 2024
54 The Gallery
Shepherd Market
Based on the Bard's most chilling couplet and also Ray Bradbury's Sci-Fi Thriller of the same name, comes a combination of the thrilling, chilling travelling Carnivale which brought life to the dustbowls during the The Great Depression, where strange happenings intersect with the deep misery of the poor and the faded glamour and strange Outsider lifestyle of the travelling performers- exotic, mysterious as though from another planet, elevate the dreams and imaginations of those whose only respite from drudgery is puritanical religion....this fascination we all have for the unexplained, the spectacle of theatre, the pomp of the circus, the misdirection and the thrill of magic and the telling of mysteries that give a glimpse of the future... this is the theme for our Dark Carnival this June at 54 The Gallery, Mayfair.